Finding time to make time

Life has changed. At one time, I would have furiously Updated The Blog Daily if not more; the Opportunity to Share Thoughts on a wide platform almost too irresistible for the dormant Extrovert Inside of Me. I seemed to have time to visit social networking sites like Facebook, Orkut and IRC and I had time to go to the gym regularly. I’m not sure if I have more work now or being married has changed my time demands and priorities. On the Work Side – yes, I feel more weighed down with work and so the times when I could Pen Thoughts is occupied by balancing several work and study commitments. On Being Married – so many people have said I Must Be So Busy Now I’m Married but the reality is that I feel I have more time, things I’d do alone are shared out and tasks which would be laborious and lengthy have turned to being Fun and Swift – and the time spent on social networking sites has almost vanished. Though I feel I have More Time On Our Hands – the Time Flies and so The Website Project seems to have got waylaid. I did use much of the time I spent on Orkut and IRC etc incessantly asking people for help with my Urdu, with finding rare books and coding for html and other such IT help. I now am putting this to use rather than seeking more help. I have been collecting materials and some sections of the website will involve a lot of work to be collated and formatted so lets see how it unravels, in the meantime, rather than wait for The Complete Website, I’ll start blogging in hope it will Nudge Inspiration and maintain some time aside for Building Dreams.
On a side note: a quote I heard and absolutely would love to identify with:
“Chase the dream like its the competition.”

Alice, Alice

I loved the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland, Helena Bonham Carter absolutely stole the show! “She killed my jabber-baby-wocky” is a classic line. I’m also loving the Alice fever that has overtaken the cities across the world, in particular the Printemps display:

Check out more pics here, don’t miss the McQueen window. I’m mad about it :)

An Update

So none of this is going to plan. Not sure what The Plan was or even if there was A Plan. Nonetheless, I have proceeded no further than to put up basic html coded pages. What is not evident is the Amazing Ideas that have gone through my mind of What The Website Will Have! I will come back to that but right now, I have my expense claim forms to fill in going back to July 2008. I have been slaving over them for the past 3 hours and I am happy to share that I have reached August 2008!

Hello World!

A friend, who also happens to be an engineer type, once said to me that, "All my headaches begin with these two words - Hello World!."  In my attempts to find my Perfect Template and write The Perfect First Post, I am beginning to empathise with him. I've been an avid follower of the Jamil Sisters' blogs, in fact, my weekends are not complete without a cuppa chai, mum's shirmaal bread and an unread post from one of their blogs - every post that emanates from their fingers seem Perfect - to me.

I have  attempted to write before only to succumb to an Intense Personal Scrutiny of myself or dive into realms of fantasy fiction which leave me struggling, or even reluctant, to return to reality. Yet, I am totally at loss as to what to write about today and though I could fill pages with stories about my sister jaan's accident prone adventures in exile; her narcoleptic cactus; the dog who does not register her presence yet barks at every other moving being; her beautiful nursery; her flower-head chopping classes; her deep predicament over the Czech tutor who rarely turns up to class but passes her students or her amazing cooking abilities - I dare not. Only because I discovered this past weekend that she (whispers) Has The Power -  and I can not be seen to do anything that may put me in disfavour to said Powers.  For now, such stories will stay untold - for now.

So, I return to my own predicament of What To Write? A headache later, I am still no closer to solving this. However, in the quest for The Perfect Template, I have renewed my resolve to make My Own Website.  Hence, this will be the start of many new things ahead and, as Life Has Taught Me to do so repeatedly, I shall take it One Step at a Time.

For now, I'll leave you with two beautiful words.  Hello World.